Thursday, September 30, 2010

Now germs are not my friend!!!

Last week, with one week left to go untill the half marathon, I came down with a cold.  I felt pretty yucky for a couple of days and was pretty run down.  Since then I have gotten more sleep and I am feeling better...but not 100%.  I have been doing lots of nose blowing and every now and then there is a little cough.  So not to sound like a total baby or wimp, but I am not sure if I am up to running 13 miles.  You know my last post where I had reported running 10 miles?  Well that was my last run....I have not had the time to do any more runs since then.  There is a part of me that still feels like I want to go and push my way through all 13 miles but then another part of me says "Hey, I know I can run 10 and that is the most I have run ever!".  There is a part of me that is scared.  Scared of failing....

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Eight days to go!!!!

Wow, I have been a big slacker here!  Things have just been so crazy in my life that there has been no time to blog and honestly not much to report on the running.  I did accomplish a 10 mile run which felt amazing, but I have not done much since then.  I am not feeling overly confident that this race is going to go well, but I am certainly going to give it my all.  I am hoping to get out this week for a few easy runs just to remind my body what if feels like to run.  The extended weather forecast is showing rain right now for the day of the race, but there is still time for that to change.
I guess that is it for me....

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blisters are not my friend!!!!!

So for the first time in my running career (since 2005), I am being plauged by big ugly, painful blisters on both of my feet!!! I have been doing lots of Googling and have come to the conclusion that it could be one of two things: socks or my sneakers. I have learned that feet can change after weight loss....well I have lost almost 30 pounds, but I wonder if it takes more then that to change shoe size. So it is off to Runners Alley I go (my local running shoe store) in hopes that they can help me! Wish me luck!!!!
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Friday, September 3, 2010

30 more days!!!

So according to my countdown there are 30 more days til  The Smuttynose Half Marathon.  It seems to be coming up very fast! 
This past week my training has been....well, non existent.  I had a great long run on Sunday and I have not done a single thing since then.  It has just been way too hot to run.  I suppose I could have been doing some light strength training, some pilates, or stretching.  This weekend I will be away, and I will be packing my running stuff and I hope to get out for a run, but I can't make any promises on that!  Sooooo, what I guess will end up happening will be a fresh start on Monday.   On Monday I will be returning to my serious training, which will include watching what I eat, getting plenty of sleep and making sure I am well hydrated. 

"You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement."- Steve Prefontaine