Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blisters are not my friend!!!!!

So for the first time in my running career (since 2005), I am being plauged by big ugly, painful blisters on both of my feet!!! I have been doing lots of Googling and have come to the conclusion that it could be one of two things: socks or my sneakers. I have learned that feet can change after weight loss....well I have lost almost 30 pounds, but I wonder if it takes more then that to change shoe size. So it is off to Runners Alley I go (my local running shoe store) in hopes that they can help me! Wish me luck!!!!
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  1. Whats the verdict? Im plagued off and on with blisters and/or lost toenails. I should take out stock in Band-Aids...

  2. It looks like moleskin is going to be the answer for me! I bought some last week at the grocery store and put it on my feet covering the area where I usually get blisters, went for a 10 mile run and I am happy to report that I did not get any new blisters. The areas were still sore and I don't know why, but blister free works for me.
