Thursday, September 30, 2010

Now germs are not my friend!!!

Last week, with one week left to go untill the half marathon, I came down with a cold.  I felt pretty yucky for a couple of days and was pretty run down.  Since then I have gotten more sleep and I am feeling better...but not 100%.  I have been doing lots of nose blowing and every now and then there is a little cough.  So not to sound like a total baby or wimp, but I am not sure if I am up to running 13 miles.  You know my last post where I had reported running 10 miles?  Well that was my last run....I have not had the time to do any more runs since then.  There is a part of me that still feels like I want to go and push my way through all 13 miles but then another part of me says "Hey, I know I can run 10 and that is the most I have run ever!".  There is a part of me that is scared.  Scared of failing....

1 comment:

  1. Maybe being scared will help give that extra drive across the finish line! You don't have to set any records or be the fastest - just go have fun and enjoy the experience! And I bet there isn't a rule that you HAVE to run the whole thing, ;) right? So if you have to walk a bit and cough, then walk a bit and cough!
