Monday, June 16, 2014

Decisions, decisions....

So one of the strange and quirky things about me is apparently I collect fuel.  I don't really know how or why I have aquired this collection but it gives me lots of options.  I am starting to prepare for a 7 mile run on Saturday and want to take something with me to begin practicing what works and what will not upset my stomach.  
What do you use for fuel on long runs?  Any of these or something different?  I would love to hear some ideas!!!


  1. Wow that is a collection! I've always been wary of all those energy products. I forget the brand, but I have all-natural (maybe organic?) honey lemon chews that I like. I've also brought a bag of peanuts on runs, and want to try just regular honey. I know you can order pre-packaged honey straws; I want something small and refillable, though, so I can use the honey we already buy.

  2. I don't run, so I can't give you any opinions, but hopefully you'll figure out what will work great for you! Pretty collection ;) #GirlsGoneSporty
