Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

In a couple of days it will be my birthday....yes I was born on the fourth of July!!  It has always been a fun day to have a birthday on.  There are parades and fireworks just for my birthday! 
One thing I have been wanting to do is participate in a Fourth of July road race...well this is the year I am finally going to do it.  I am going to be running in the Firecracker 5K in Andover, NH.  It is a flat out and back on the rail trail in this small town.  It will be interesting to see how many participants there will be.  Last year there were 80 people but the organizer told me other years have had more people.  Since we will be spending the day in Andover for the parade and cookout at my grandparents house like we do every year, my whole family will be coming to watch me race.  This is pretty neat since my kids have not seen me at a race yet.
I am predicting it is going to be a pretty good birthday despite the fact that I am going to be one year older.

1 comment:

  1. Beth,
    Happy Birthday and have a great time with the race. I am tempted to try that one out but I think I will be heading over to Merrimack for the 5k Sparkler. Love the blog-very motivating and fun to hear about your interesting stories. Have a great 4th.
