Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaack!

Before I started typing this I forgot to see what the date of my last post was....all I know is it's been a while. So here is what I have been up to....
Since the half marathon in April, I have run in two 5k races with mediocre finish times. A friend of mine once told me an interesting statistic on the effects of weight loss on finish times. I wish I could remember it because I would say that I am currently living proof of this. Since ending the crazy training I went through to prepare for a half marathon, I have put on somewhere around 7- 10 pounds! Not what I wanted to see happen but it did. I have been noticing that my pace time on my regular runs around my neighborhood have been lousy! So I am working on losing this extra weight and can't wait to see the results....then back to half marathon training to prepare for Smuttynose rockfest in October!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! :)
    I remember hearing the stat on finish times and weight loss as well, and sadly I can't remember it either!
