Friday, June 22, 2012

I'm Back, once again....

So, I am back!!! I am back to running like a maniac and have added strength training to my regimen as well...which I love! I have started wearing tank tops to the gym and can see some of my muscles developing in my arms and shoulders! so cool...I have also joined The Millennium Running Social Club that meets once a week at a local bar, goes for a run and then meets back at the bar for free beer! A drinking club with a running problem! Ha,ha! I have only been to one run so far and it was the hottest, fastest run I have been on in a long time. I was hoping that there would be at least one other person who was going to be as slow as me, but that did not happen. When I got home and checked out my pace on my garmin, I realized that the pace was basically race pace for me...which for a social, casual run seems like a bit much. I would much rather do a comfortable run, be able to chat a bit with others along the way, before enjoying a beer. I am not going to give up though...maybe next week the slow runners will show up!!In my last post I mentioned caught the attention of at least one person! I started a streak that was supposed to go from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July...running every day,even if it is just one mile. I got through 18 days before I decided it was not really for me. I was going to bed sore all over and was not getting in any quality runs. I have two races (both 5K) that I am getting ready for and it just wasn't worth the risk of injury.So I am going to try my best to keep up with this blog..till next time, Happy Running

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Coming back soon!

It has been so long since my last post here! I really do enjoy creating this blog (even if no one reads it) and sharing my experiences as a runner. After I get through this weekend I will have a post up...maybe about streaking?!