Friday, February 18, 2011


This past week I reached a milestone in my running...I reached 500 miles run with my Nike + sportband!  If you are a runner and are reading this and you don't have a sportband, I highly recommend you get one!  I bought mine at least a couple of years ago and have used it on just about every run I have ever done...hence the 500 miles!!  

Big Friday Night Plans!!!

Today is Friday....FINALLY!!! 
My plans for tonight include finishing my latest issue of Runners World Magazine and posting a new entry here so stay tuned......

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yup, This Quote Sums it Up

Everyday I receive my "daily kick in the butt" from Runners World Magazine through my email.  I read them everyday and sometimes I like the quotes and other times they don't do much for me.  This is the quote I got today and this one I thought was a really good one!  It sort of sums up why I put myself through this torture......I am sure many of you feel the same way!

In the midst of regular life, running is the touchstone that breathes adventure into my soul. I can feel the trail under my feet, the press of the hill, the gallop of the track, the burn of my lungs, the stir of wonder and possibility. Running reminds me that there is more to me than what is readily apparent much of the time. I don't always need to see it, but oh how I need to know it's there. Like having an alter ego, or a super-cool super-hero identity.

Kristin Armstrong, Author and runner

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Doggies Go Home!!!!!

Today while out on my run I was approached by a couple of very small but vicious dogs.  I was listening to music through my ipod so at first when the dogs were growling and barking at me I was wondering what in the world was wrong with my ipod.  It wasn't until I felt something rub up against my leg ever so slightly did I realize what was happening.  I do have to say that in all my years of running, I have not really had too many run in with dogs...just lucky I guess.  So because 0f this I had no idea what to do!!  So I kept running...and so did the dogs!!  They were yipping and yapping at my feet the whole way!  Finally I shouted out "GO HOME DOGGIES!!" , and to my surprise they turned around to head for home!!  I have a way with dogs...ha, ha, ha!
Anyone else have experiences with dogs while out on a run?  What did you do?
On a side note, it was a very cold but fast run today!!