Sunday, June 9, 2013

You Just Have to Have One!!!!

About a month ago I made one of the best running equipment purchases I could have ever made....I got a FlipBelt!!

  This is a great belt that I can comfortably wear while I run to carry anything I might want or need on a run.  I bought this one after trying the SpiBelt and finding that the SpiBelt just does not have enough room for everything.
Basically how it works is the belt is one continuous belt with slits in it to slip your stuff in.  After you have everything loaded in you FLIP the belt over and everything is "locked" in and won't fall out!  I do sometimes find it tricky to find everything in it when I need it but that is a minor problem that I am willing to deal with.
A few of the other ladies from my running club have one and everyone seems to love it...and people who don't have one want one!
If anyone is interested in ordering one, if you enter the code "HWOTR" you can get 10% off at

If you are interested in winning one for free then enter my giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, stay strong and keep on running!!


  1. I would carry my inhaler, money and GU.

  2. I keep hearing such great things about the Flip Belt! In addition to my phone, I would carry my ID, some cash, and nutrition on those long runs :)

  3. I would carry my camera in addition to my phone. Also, I stash Gu etc. if it is a long run.

  4. I'd carry my Honey Zingers gummies and emergency TP ;)

  5. I carry gum, chapstick, cash and keys. Maybe extra socks and underwear, a dry top (how much CAN it hold??) Always be prepared!!

  6. I'd carry keys and tissues. :)
